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An active sex life is all most people need to conceive. If you know when you ovulate each month you can give yourself the best chance of getting pregnant by having sex in the days leading up to ovulation. Continue having sex during ovulation. After this your fertile time will be over for that cycle.

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Let's look at what that means in regards to getting pregnant. 2. Which phase in my girlfriend's cycle is she more likely to get pregnant? Your girlfriend is more likely .

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If you and your partner want to get pregnant, you might be wondering what you can do to help. While most Is it safe to have sex while my girlfriend is pregnant?

Girls Want Get Pregnant

Is my girlfriend pregnant? Verywell / Brianna If you were not trying to get pregnant, a positive test could be overwhelming for both of you. Here's how you can .

1. Help Parent – Taking responsibility for your actions and supporting both mother and child is honorable. · 2. Get Married and Raise Child Together – · 3. Caffeine, smoking, stress, weed, steroids, taking hot baths, endometriosis, naturally low-sperm count, birth control still leeching out of her system, not enough sex .